
Auswahl aktueller Publikationen
C. Busch, Platform regulation beyond DSA and DMA: Which role for the P2B Regulation?, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 2024, pp. 1-6 https://doi.org/10.1093/jaenfo/jnae016
D. Fairgrieve, C. Busch, E. Büyüksagis, Z. Garrett, G. Straetmans, A. Karaiskos, R. Linley, C. Markou, J. Paterson, Product Liability and Online Marketplaces: Comparison and Reform, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, First View, 30 April 2024, pp. 1-28, open access
C. Busch, From Algorithmic Transparency to Algorithmic Choice: European Perspectives on Recommender Systems and Platform Regulation, in: Genovesi, Kaesling & Robbins (eds.) Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues, Springer, 2023, S. 31-51 open access
C. Busch, Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation, 27 University of California Los Angeles Journal of Law and Technology 32-79 (2022) open access
C. Busch, C. Goanta, K. Cryla-Kudna, M. Leszynska & V. Mak, Should Data Drive Private Law? Technology and Regulation 2022, 81-87 open access
C. Busch, Updating EU Consumer Law for the Digital Subscription Economy, 11 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 41 (2021) SSRN
C. Busch, Granulares Sachenrecht: Abschied vom numerus clausus im Internet of Things, in: Grothe/Mankowski (Hrsg.) Festschrift für Christian von Bar zum 70. Geburtstag, C.H.Beck, München 2022, S. 39-47.
C. Busch and V. Mak, Putting the Digital Services Act into Context: Bridging the Gap Between EU Consumer Law and Platform Regulation, 10 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 109 (2021) SSRN
C. Busch, Der Digital Services Act: Ein neuer Rechtsrahmen für den Online-Handel?, Zeitschrift für digitales Wirtschaftsrecht, 2021, 88-93.
C. Busch, I. Graef, A. Gawer, J. Hofmann, Uncovering blindspots in the policy debate on platform power, Study for the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy, March 2021, 31 pp. open access
C. Busch and A. De Franceschi (eds.), Algorithmic Regulation and Personalized Law: C.H.Beck, Nomos, Hart, Oxford and Munich 2020, XIII, 292 pp.
C. Busch, ヨーロッパにおけるオンライン仲介プラットフォームのための規制枠組みに向けて [Towards a Regulatory Framework for Online Intermediary Platforms in Europe], in: Kunihiro Nakata et al. (eds) Modernisation of European Private Law and Consumer Law and Developments in Japanese Private Law, Nihon Hyoronsha 2020, 126-141.
C. Busch, G. Dannemann, H. Schulte-Nölke, A. Wiewiorowska-Domgalska and F. Zoll, The ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms, 9 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 61 (2020) SSRN
C. Busch, Self-Regulation and Regulatory Intermediation in the Platform Economy, in Cantero Gamito and Micklitz (eds.) The Role of the EU in Transnational Legal Ordering: Standards, Contracts and Codes, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2020,115-134 SSRN
C. Busch, Implementing Personalized Law: Personalized Disclosures in Consumer Law and Data Privacy Law, 86 University of Chicago Law Review 309 (2019) open access
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